Pakistan at the United Nations

- Pakistan joined the United Nations on September 30, 1947, just over a month after its independence.
- Pakistan is committed to a world in which upholding human dignity is the highest value and maintaining global peace a sacred duty. Pakistan envisages a world which is free of want, hunger and deprivation. A world where justice and fair play govern the affairs of human beings and inequality, oppression and war are abhorred.
- Over the last 66 years, Pakistan has put this vision into practice by making significant contributions to the principles and purposes of the UN Charter, in particular the promotion and maintenance of international peace and security, as a member of the Security Council and through its contribution to UN Peacekeeping. It has been an ardent advocate of multilateralism and the primacy of the United Nations in international affairs.
- Pakistan's commitment and participation in the United Nations is across-the-board. It has actively participated in discussions at the United Nations on a host of issues including human rights, development, environment and climate change, and international law.
- Pakistan is currently an elected member to the following UN bodies: Human Rights Council (2013-15); Commission on the Limits of the Continental Shelf (2012-17); Commission for Social Development (2013-2017); Commission on the Status of Women (2013-2017); Commission on Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice (2013-2015); UNICEF Executive Board (2013-2015); UNDP/UNFPA Executive Board (2013-2015); and United Nations Committee on Contributions (2013-16).
- Pakistan seeks resolution of the Kashmir dispute on the basis of Resolutions adopted by the Security Council. Our principled position on the dispute remains a bed-rock of our foreign policy. We will continue to support the right of self-determination of the people of Jammu & Kashmir and to choose their destiny in accordance with UNSC resolutions.
- As the largest troop contributing country to the UN peacekeeping operations, Pakistan's commitment to international peace and security is well established. It deployed its first ever contingent in Congo in 1960. Pakistan has since participated in 41 peacekeeping missions in 23 countries, with over 150,000 peacekeepers, some deployed in most difficult and trying conditions. A total of 137 Pakistani peacekeepers have embraced martyrdom. Currently, Pakistan is one of the largest troop contributors, with 8,230 peacekeepers, constituting over 9% of UN's total deployment. Pakistan is also the sixth largest police contributor.
- Pakistan is actively working with the global community in the campaign against international terrorism. It has extended maximum cooperation and support to the international community to fight this scourge. No country in the world has suffered as much as Pakistan because of this menace. The entire Pakistani nation is determined to eliminate terrorism in all its forms and manifestations.
- Pakistan considers arms control, disarmament and non-proliferation efforts as vital tools to promote the goals of peace and security at the global and regional levels. Accordingly, Pakistan has always advocated the need for inclusive forums for deliberations and negotiations, taking into account the security interests of all States.
- As part of its efforts to contribute to the global discourse on disarmament and non-proliferation, Pakistan presents four resolutions annually in the United Nations General Assembly. These resolutions are aimed at reinforcing the global norms on conventional arms control, regional disarmament, confidence building measures in the regional context and the continuing importance of providing Negative Security Assurances to non-nuclear weapon States.
- Pakistan has been a leading voice for the reform of the Security Council to make it more democratic, inclusive and accountable through reform of its membership and improvement in its working methods.
- Pakistan assumed the membership of the Security Council for a two-year term from January 2012 to December 2013. This was the seventh time that Pakistan served on the Security Council. Pakistan brought to the Security Council the aspirations of the general membership, developing countries, OIC and Asia.
- Pakistan delegation was engaged in the Council on the full spectrum of the agenda ranging from Africa to the Middle East to Central Europe to Latin America as well as a number of thematic issues. Peace and stability in Afghanistan, counter-terrorism and peacekeeping are the areas of special interest for Pakistan.
- During our Presidency of the Security Council in January 2013, we convened two special thematic debates: (i) comprehensive approach to counter-terrorism; and (ii) UN Peacekeeping: a multidimensional approach. The latter led to adoption of a landmark resolution on peacekeeping operations.
- Pakistan continues to support the need for dialogue, diplomacy and international cooperation to address existing and emerging international challenges, in an effective and credible manner on the basis of consensus and concerted collective actions.
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