Pakistan’s Statement on Agenda Item 62 Report of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees Questions Relating to Refugees, Returnees and Displaced Persons and Humanitarian Questions at the 66th Session of the Third Committee by Ms. Huzefa Khanum, Assistant Director (SC&HR), Ministry of Foreign Affairs (01 November 2011)

Mr. Chairman,

We thank the High Commissioner for Refugees for the reports under this agenda item and his presentation.

  1. Pakistan’s partnership with the UNHCR spans over 30 years since Pakistan has been hosting the Afghan refugees. UNHCR has also acted as the lead agency for the protection cluster in provision of humanitarian assistance in Pakistan in the wake of recent natural disasters including this year’s floods.
  2. In addition to the humanitarian aspect, the issue of refugees has another dimension i.e. the socio-economic and political challenges for the host communities and countries. The protracted refugee situation in particular entails political, social, economic and environmental costs which need to be fully appreciated and addressed. While the international community is sensitive to this dimension of the refugee situation, there is a need to redouble efforts in this regard.

Mr. Chairman,

  1. Pakistan has hosted the largest refugee population in the world since the 1980s. We have exhibited extra-ordinary generosity and hospitality as hosts to Afghan refugees for over three decades. We are still host to over 3 million Afghan refugees. This, however, has had a negative impact on the economic, socio-cultural and security sectors. It has also affected the job market and brought the public infrastructure under stress. Last year’s floods and impact of global financial and food crises has further added to the challenges.

Mr. Chairman,

  1. In order to meet the challenge of the Afghan refugees in Pakistan several programs have been introduced, these include, Afghan Management and Repatriation Strategy for 2010-12. Population Profiling, Verification and Response (PPVR) to improve response to refugee needs on the basis of gender and age; and the Refugees Affected and Hosting Areas (RAHA) Development initiative which will help in addressing challenges of security, socio-economic and environmental impact due to presence of large-scale refugees on the host societies.
  2. However, all these programs would require international commitment and financial support. Most importantly success will largely be dependent upon creation of pull factors in Afghanistan. The donor community and the UNHCR should aim at accelerating re-integration, reconstruction and rehabilitation efforts in Afghanistan for the Afghan refugees to return to their homeland. Until their repatriation, the international community must share the responsibility for the Afghan refugees through increased funding for programs to sustain them and to cope with the challenges of hosting them, and by offering third country re-settlements.

Mr. Chairman,

  1. The international community must continue to recognize its common responsibility for refugees, returnees and displaced people. We must provide protection to them in a manner which does not create new political, economic or social tensions among host communities.

I thank you.