Statement by Mr. Asim Iftikhar Ahmad Director Ministry of Foreign Affairs on Agenda Item 65 Promotion and Protection of Rights of Children Third Committee 66th Session of the UN General Assembly (New York 13 October, 2011)

Mr. Chairman,

Love for children is a human instinct that transcends all social, cultural, developmental and geographical factors. Rights of children are special in that they emanate from this universal and equal entitlement of children to love, care and attention. Rights of children are also special in that their promotion and protection depends largely on us, the adults. This is an onerous responsibility that we must shoulder without fail. Investing in our children is not a choice. It is an obligation, of which only the complete and effective fulfillment will secure a better and brighter future for our succeeding generations.

  1. The international community’s collective cognizance of the crucial importance of the rights of children is evident in the almost universal ratification of the ‘Convention on the Rights of the Child’. Pakistan is proud to be one of the six co-initiators of the 1990 World Summit for Children, which provided a fillip to the accelerated ratification of the Convention.
  2. Despite notable progress in advancing the rights of children, serious challenges persist. Many children remain vulnerable as their rights are often forgotten or taken for granted. Neglect, abuse, violence and exploitation are problems confronting children in all parts of the world. We also need to be particularly mindful of the situation of children under foreign occupation, whose vulnerability increases manifold due to multiple violations of their fundamental rights. Also, if we are lagging behind the MDGs, we must know that this has a direct impact on the rights of the children. We therefore need to do a lot more on a number of fronts to bring about a fundamental transformation in the situation concerning the children around the globe.

Mr. Chairman,

  1. Pakistan lays great emphasis on fulfilling its international commitments on all human rights including the rights of children. In addition to the Convention on Rights of the Child (CRC), we are state party to all ILO Core Conventions and the SAARC Convention on Prevention and Combating Trafficking in Women and Children for Prostitution. We have ratified in June 2011 the Optional Protocol on Sale of Children, Child Prostitution and Child Pornography. Ratification of the Protocol on involvement of Children in Armed Conflict is at an advanced stage. Pakistan has also ratified in June this year the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities.
  2. At home, the Government has actively pursued efforts for the promotion and protection of rights of the children at all levels. Pakistan has made progress towards achieving MDGs relating to Grass Enrolment Rate and infant mortality rate. Comprehensive efforts have been made to eliminate child labour.
  3. Pakistan has a Comprehensive National Plan of Action for Children, whose strategic priorities include political commitment, capacity building, awareness raising, advocacy and social mobilization, enhanced allocation of resources and setting up and strengthening of functional structures and systems for the promotion and protection of child rights in the country.
  4. The National Commission for Child Welfare and Development is dedicated to promote the implementation of the Convention on the Rights of Child. It also assesses the impact of the constitutional, legal and administrative provisions on welfare and development of children and suggests measures where required. Commissions for Child Welfare and Development are also operational at the provincial and district levels.
  5. The Government has undertaken a number of projects for child welfare and protection throughout the country including the establishment of specialized protection and rehabilitation centers for child laborers, working and street children, juvenile convicts, introduction of social protection schemes for children with disabilities as well as provision of formal and non-formal education, pre-vocational training and skill development programmes. Many projects have been pursued and accomplished in partnership with UN Agencies particularly UNICEF and ILO as well as the civil society. Legislative and administrative measures are being taken by the Provincial Governments for child welfare and protection in the provinces.
  6. Children Complaint Desks have been established in offices of the Federal and Provincial Ombudsmen. A Child Protection Management Information System has been set up in collaboration with UNICEF.

Mr. Chairman,

  1. We take this opportunity to call upon all Member States to enhance efforts to implement the commitments made during the Special Session of the General Assembly on Children. As the Secretary General has said, failure to do so will significantly undermine efforts towards realizing the aspiration of the UN Millennium Declaration and Millennium Development Goals by 2015.
  2. This is a collective endeavour which requires concerted and sustained action at national and international levels. Only success will prove that our pronouncements on child rights were sincere and genuine.

I thank you Mr. Chairman.