Statement by Ms. Aqsa Nawaz on Agenda Item 65: Promotion and Protection of the Rights of Children and Follow-up to the Outcome of the Special session on Children in the 64th Session of the Third Committee (16 October 2009)


  1. On behalf of Pakistan’s delegation, I also thank the Chairman of the Committee for his informative 1. I thank the Secretary General for his comprehensive reports submitted under this agenda item. These reports provide a detailed account on the progress made in achieving the World Fit for Children. They also highlight the gaps as well as measures to be taken to meet the targets.
  2. We welcome the appointment of Ms. Marta Santos Pais, Secretary General’s Special Representative on violence against children and look forward to her positive contribution and constructive work on violence against children from development perspective. We hope that her work will focus on reporting on all forms of violence against children across the world.


  1. The 1990 World Summit for Children (WSC) was a global landmark event. The Summit adopted a progressive Plan of Action and brought rights of the child to the forefront of the global agenda. The World Summit was followed by the twenty-seventh Special Session on Children in 2002 which culminated in the international agreement on protecting and promoting children's rights, through the historic document “A World Fit for Children”.
  2. Three out of eight Millennium Development Goals are directly linked with the well being of children.


  1. Regrettably, children remain vulnerable. Their rights are often forgotten, disregarded or taken for granted. Violence against children, poverty, human slavery and child trafficking still exist in different parts of the world. Lack of education, violence and maltreatment against children put an extra-ordinary social and moral burden but also an economic cost on the society.
  2. Investing in children is no doubt investing in future. Accelerating efforts to improve basic health and education services, reduce maternal and child mortality and global partnerships---should remain our priorities for the well being of children in the next decade.
  3. According to Secretary General’s report on the follow-up to the special session of the General Assembly on children (A/64/285), there are indications that the current global economic crisis will cause increased poverty and malnutrition. It is a source of concern for all of us that the current economic crises also has negative impact on the lives of children, including girls.


  1. Pakistan lays great emphasis on fulfilling its international commitments on all human rights including the rights of children. Pakistan is a State Party to the Convention on Rights of the Child (CRC) and the "SAARC Convention on Prevention and Combating Trafficking in Women and Children for Prostitution.” We have recently presented our 3rd and 4th report on the implementation of CRC to the UN Committee on the Rights of Child in Geneva.
  2. A Child Protection Bill 2009 has been prepared in consultation with all stakeholders and will soon be presented to the National Assembly. It would create a child friendly and protective environment. The number of crimes against children is expected to decrease as the Bill calls for harsher penalties for the offences against children. Child pornography and child sexual abuse have been defined and criminalized with severe penalties. It also defines and criminalizes internal trafficking of children.
  3. In the area of protection, the Federal Government has set up a Child Complaint Cell, at the federal level to redress grievances of the children. In addition the Child Protection Management Information System (CPMIS) has been established in the National Commission for Child Welfare and Development (NCCWD) with the financial and technical support from UNICEF. The system covers areas of child sexual exploitation, juvenile justice, child trafficking, family and alternative care, and violence against children.
  4. For children with disabilities the Government has recently approved a social protection scheme which provides cover to the children with multiple or severe disabilities. Under this scheme, premium will be paid for children with disabilities who, after few years, will receive a reasonable monthly stipend for their basic needs including hiring an attendant.


  1. In conclusion achieving the aims and objectives of “World Fit for Children” and the twenty-seventh Special Session of the General Assembly requires unprecedented efforts. The increasing complexity of financial, food and energy crises, climate change and growing inequalities demand a proactive and more engaging global partnership. Our tomorrow will be dependent upon how well we take care of our children today.

I thank you Chairperson.