Open Debate of the UN Security Council (Thursday, 02 June 2022)

Right of Reply Exercised by Mr Rashid Third Secy

Mr. President,

In response to the statement of the Indian representative, let me clarify, at the outset, that Jammu and Kashmir is not and has never been a part of India. The resolutions of this very Council define it as “disputed territory”. This is also printed on all official UN maps.

Among multiple other resolutions, Security Council resolution 47 clearly states that "the question of the accession of Jammu and Kashmir to India or Pakistan should be decided through the democratic method of a free and impartial plebiscite". India accepted this decision and is bound to comply with it in accordance with Article 25 of the UN Charter. Its refusal to do so, for over seven decades, constitutes a flagrant and perpetual violation of the Security Council resolutions and UN Charter.

Living in this alternative reality, Indian is defying and flouting international law by illegally occupying the State of Jammu and Kashmir. Only an occupier would oppose the implementation of Security Council resolutions which promise self-determination to the people of the disputed territory. Mr. President, the people of Jammu and Kashmir have yet not exercised their right to self-determination; a right that has been promised to all peoples. The state of Jammu and Kashmir still lingers as an unfinished agenda of decolonization.

And now, since 5 August 2019, India is on its way to transform occupied territory from a Muslim majority state to a Hindu majority territory in barefaced violation of 4th Geneva Convention and international law

Mr. President,

India’s talk about terrorism is nothing but a smokescreen to conceal its own state terrorism against Pakistan, in occupied Jammu and Kashmir and against its own minorities. It has instigated, sponsored and abetted state terrorism in each of its neighboring countries, including against my country.

Today, more than 200 million Muslims, Christians and other minorities face blatant discrimination in India. This is manifested in acts such as discriminatory citizenship laws to expel Muslims; storming in mosques and churches by charged mobs, harassment and assault against worshippers, and encroachment over religious freedoms, resulting in bizarre policies and legislation such as the Citizenship Amendment Act and the recent “Karnatka Hijab Ban”. These are just few examples. It is perplecing and mindboggling that considering these examples, India is blaming Pakistan for genocide. It needs to do introspection. Genocide experts and academics, including Professor Stanton, are warning the world about impending genocide in India. The racist and radical ideology of discrimination against minorities has unfortunately not only infected the society, but has also seeped into all the organs of the Indian state; the legislature, the executive and even the judiciary.

Mr. Chair,

We ask the world, we ask this Council, to demand that India ends its state terrorism, and abides by its obligations under international law, including implementation of the UN Security Council resolutions.

I thank you.