Written statement submitted by Pakistan for the United Nations Security Council Open Debate on "The Situation in the Middle East, including the Palestine Question" (19 October 2021)

Mr. President,

Pakistan welcomes the convening of the open debate of the UN Security Council on the situation in the Middle East, including the Palestinian Question.

The Secretary-General's Report covering the last six months, reveals that violence between Israel and the Palestinians has continued and often escalated. Twenty-seven Palestinians were killed, including 2 women and 5 children, 4814 injured, including 10 women and 530 children. The demolitions and seizure of Palestinian properties have also continued in the West Bank, including East Jerusalem.

These actions are a disturbing codicil to the Israeli aggression against the Holy Al Aqsa Mosque last May, which inflamed tensions and triggered the most serious outbreak of hostilities between Palestinians and Israel in several years. The security environment created by Israel's persistent aggressions is extremely volatile. It could lead, at any time, to another escalation of hostilities.

Many States and entities appear to have lost hope for a just and peaceful settlement of this conflict. Yet, it is vital not to lose sight of the legal, political and moral dimensions of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

The alternative to a two-State solution is an Israeli apartheid State or, even worse, a genocide of the Palestinian people. Even a world as morally compromised as ours will not tolerate either outcome. The peoples of the Arab and Muslim world, and other civilized nations, will not contemplate such outcomes. Nor, I believe, would the people of Israel, with their enduring memories of the Holocaust.

Mr. President,

The entire Middle East, and adjacent regions, will not see durable peace and stability while the occupation and oppression of the Palestinian people, and the similar occupation and aggression of the people of Jammu & Kashmir, continue. This oppression of the Palestinians, Kashmiris and other Muslim populations are a major underlying cause of the rise of extremism and terrorism in recent decades. Just solutions to such oppression and injustice is essential to defeat and eliminate the terrorism which has spread across and beyond the Middle East.

Mr. President,

It is Pakistan's sincere hope that Israel and the Palestinians will embrace the two-State solution even as some cynics predict that it is already out of reach.

I thank you.