Statement by Ambassador Masood Khan Permanent Representative of Pakistan to the United Nations during Security Council Debate on Bosnia and Herzegovina (12 November 2013)

Thank you Mr. President,

We thank Mr. Valentino Inzko, the High Representative for Bosnia and Herzegovina, for his briefing and commend his valuable work .

We have taken note of the report of the Secretary General.

We welcome in our midst the Permanent Representative of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Her Excellency Mirsada Colakovic.

Pakistan fully supports the efforts of Bosnia and Herzegovina to uphold its sovereignty and territorial integrity, to strengthen its state, and to protect the rights of all communal entities.

We have noted that, as in the previous reports, negatives exceed the positives. While the rest of the region seems to be forging ahead, internal dissension and disagreement in Bosnia and Herzegovina seem to be holding it back.

The good news on the economic front and ending of political crisis in the Federation entity are welcome signals. We hope that this momentum would be maintained.

Lack of progress on the implementation of the five objectives and two conditions necessary for closure of the Office of the High Representative (OHR) is an indication of the weak commitment to the future of Bosnia and Herzegovina.

While efforts of the High Representative are appreciated, we urge leaders on all sides of the political divide to engage constructively to break the impasse.

Mr. President,

Pakistan remains deeply concerned at the increasing challenges to the Dayton Peace Agreement and the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Bosnia and Herzegovina.

Actions by the leadership of Republika Srpska (RS), including advocating dissolution of the state, characterizing entities as states, and challenging the functionality of the state and its responsibilities under the constitution of B and H - amount to challenging the core provisions of the General Framework Agreement for Peace.

Unilateral action of the RS government has also led to the crisis on Citizen Identification Numbers. Such conduct creates unrest and instability and is a matter of serious concern.

We believe that angry and aggravating rhetoric does not serve the interest of any community. It vitiates the atmosphere and undermines prospects of long-term peaceful co-existence.

It is vitally important that all parties recognize international and legal frameworks for the division of power in the country.

The leadership of the country needs to resolve its differences through dialogue. Pakistan would continue to support all efforts to ensure a safe and secure Bosnia and Herzegovina, working for improvement of the lives of its people.

The Office of the High Representative should continue to play its role in this regard. We wish Mr. Inzko success.

Thank you.