Statement by H.E. Mr. Tariq Fatemi Special Assistant to the Prime Minister of Foreign Affairs at the Security Council High Level Meeting on the Middle East (Yemen)(27 September 2013)

Mr. President,

We welcome the initiative of the Australian Presidency to organize a High-level Meeting of the Security Council on Yemen.

We highly appreciate the detailed and insightful briefing provided by Special Advisor of the Secretary General on Yemen, Dr. Jamal Benomar.

Presence of the Foreign Minister Dr. Abu-Bakr Al-Qirbi here today is a sign of the Government of National Unity's continued resolve to complete the transition process.

Yemen, Mr. President, has walked back from the precipice. A couple of years ago the government and the people of Yemen were at a crossroads. They decided to shun violence and walk the difficult, rocky and sometimes arduous path of dialogue and engagement. Regional efforts steered by the Gulf Cooperation Council and good offices of the Secretary General, ably led by Dr. Benomar notwithstanding, it is primarily the Yemenis themselves who deserve credit.

Pakistan enjoys deep historical, cultural and religious ties with the people of Yemen. Peace, stability and prosperity of Yemen is dear to us. We hope that full implementation of the GCC initiative would lead to normalization of conditions in the country. Continued support of the international community for this endeavour is crucial. This, however, does not mean that the international community should micro-manage Yemeni affairs. Respect for independence, sovereignty and territorial integrity of Yemen should remain paramount in Council’s deliberations on the issue.

Mr. President,

Yemen is in the final phases of an inclusive National Dialogue, unprecedented in its history and groundbreaking for the entire region. We understand that the proces and been delayed by a few weeks. We urge all Yemenis to continue working with a spirit of compromise and cooperation, and conclude the process expeditiously.

While we appreciate the efforts of the Government of President Hadi, including through the recently announced formal apology to the South for transgressions during the conflict of 1994, a number of hurdles still need to be overcome

The Southern issue and economic and humanitarian situation need to be handled skillfully and effectively. They issues have the potential to derail the entire process.

The threat from Al-Qaeda remains potent. Assassinations, kidnappings and hostage taking threaten security. We condemn violence that led to the killing of scores of Yemeni security personnel last week and express our sympathy and condolences to the families of victims as well as the government and the people of Yemen. We welcome President Hadi's resolve to fight the scourge of terrorism.

We also appreciate the special attention given by President Hadi to the southern question. Herak leadership has to be convinced that it is in their own interest to be part of decision-making at this crucial stage. This would afford them an opportunity not only to air their grievances, but also influence the future of the country.

Mr. President,

Security Council's active engagement in Yemen and its unity on the issue has had a positive impact on ground. Resolutions 2014 and 2051 and other Council pronouncements have led to deterring the activities of "spoilers". We hope that this positive contribution of the Council would continue.

Mr. President,

Economic and humanitarian needs of Yemen require urgent attention. We welcome the meeting of the Friends of Yemen in New York earlier this week. We hope that pledges made at the Riyadh Donors Conference and at the different meetings of the Friends of Yemen would be fulfilled in a timely manner.

Mr. President,

Pakistan believes that the dialogue process should lead to framing of a new constitution, a referendum and elections. Meeting of deadlines, the most important being elections in February 2014, is imperative.

In conclusion, let me reiterate the Government of Pakistan's full support to the Government and the people of Yemen in their efforts aimed at national reconciliation and political transition.

I thank you Mr. President.