Statement by Ambassador Masood Khan, Permanent Representative of Pakistan, in Security Council debate on the United Nations Stabilization Mission in Haiti (MINUSTAH),(28 August 2013)

Mr. President,

We thank you for presiding over this meeting.

We welcome SRSG Sandra Honoré to the Council and her insightful briefing.

We thank the Secretary-General for his comprehensive report which gives concrete recommendations for the way forward.

Peace and progress in Haiti are shared objectives of the Haitian people, this Council and the international community.

There has been an impressive turnaround. The brave and resilient people of Haiti have made important strides towards stability, growth and development. The devastating earthquake in 2010 and Hurricane Sandy reversed the gains achieved over many years.

But today we see a new Haiti emerging from those tragedies. Challenges persist but the resolve of Haitian people to build their country is stronger.

Haiti has reached important milestones. It is on the road to political stability and economic progress. The consolidation plan seems to be on track, by and large.

President Martelly's outreach for foreign investment in support of job creation and socio-economic development has led to new economic partnerships. Implementation of projects for construction of roads, schools, clinics, agricultural production, and re-afforestation will give the much needed boost to the economy.

There is progress in other areas too.

The Government's focus on national solidarity, institution building, especially the establishment of transitional Electoral Council, are all positive signals for Haitian people and this Council.

Performance of national police has improved. There has been a decrease in civil unrest and major crimes. The resettlement of people displaced by the 2010 earthquake has been moving apace.

President Martelly's assumption of the chair of the Caribbean Community (CARICOM) gives a new stature to Haiti in the region.

Mr. President,

As pointed out by the Secretary General, some remaining serious problems can imperil the progress made so far.

The differences between the Executive and Parliament should be resolved expeditiously to reach consensus to hold partial senatorial, municipal and local elections. Delay in these elections will impact the next set of elections in 2014, undermine the ongoing democratic process, and adversely affect economic goals.

The Haitian Government and MINUSTAH should continue to work together to achieve stabilization benchmarks. The Haitian Government needs to allocate more funds for the Electoral Council and national police to ensure that they stand on their feet and their performance is optimal.

At the same time, the Haitian Government's requirements to overcome capacity impediments and management of electoral process must be recognized and met by international assistance.

Haiti needs a strong security sector. Steps taken by Haitian authorities to reinvigorate police recruitment and training are encouraging. Objectives and benchmarks of Haitian National Police Development Plans, presented by MINUSTAH and Haitian National Police, must be met to support a professional, reliable and accountable police force.

In regard to the rule of law institutions, two issues are most important. Haiti's international partners should do all they can to build capacities of these institutions. And, for its part, the Haitian Government should guarantee independence of the national police, the Superior Council of the Judiciary, and the Anti-Corruption Unit.

The goals of eradication of cholera , food security and preparedness for natural disasters must continue to be pursued vigorously. We urge greater coordination and cohesion among different actors engaged in humanitarian work.

Donor fatigue can result from protracted crises like the one in Haiti.

It is therefore imperative for international community to continue to provide funds and expertise to Haiti for humanitarian purposes.

Mr. President,

All indicators are that Haiti is moving towards political stability and economic development. The United Nations' mission to Haiti is a success story. Reconfiguration of MINUSTAH is underway. This process must continue.

We hope that through consultations, the Council would be able to find a plan for contributing to Haiti's stability as it presses ahead with it plans to scale down UN assistance by 2016.

A word of caution, though. Since 2004, MINUSTAH has done a commendable job in the stabilization of Haiti.

Reconfiguration or drawdown of MINUSTAH must, therefore be planned carefully. It should not lead to reversal of gains made in Haiti. There should be a gradual and orderly transfer of responsibilities.

Mr. President,

Pakistan has been a participant in UN peacekeeping missions in Haiti since 1993. Presently, one FPU from Pakistan, comprising 140 personnel, is serving in Haiti.

Pakistan supports sovereignty, territorial integrity and political independence of Haiti. We remain a sincere partner of the people of Haiti in their quest for peace, security, stability and progress.

Thank You Mr. President