Statement delivered by Ambassador Masood Khan Explanation of Vote after the vote on draft resolution entitled “UNFICYP mandate renewal” (30 July 2013)

Madam President,

We thank the United Kingdom for presenting the draft resolution on UNFYCIP and steering its delicate negotiating process.

Pakistan welcomes the first interaction between the leaders of the two sides in Cyprus in May this year; and the prospects of the commencement of the negotiating process later this year.

Pakistan supports Cyprus-led and Cyprus-owned negotiations. We hope that both parties will direct their efforts towards a result-oriented process leading to a durable settlement. We support the efforts of the Security Council and the Good Offices Mission.

As for the resolution just adopted, we had made a number of suggestions to ensure a fair balance in the draft. Some were taken on board and we deeply appreciate this. However, a reference to "joint statements including those of 23 May and July 2008" was deleted. This has constrained us to abstain on the resolution.

Our abstention is without prejudice to our support for the extension of UNFICYP mandate and early commencement of negotiations.

We support the essential objectives of the resolution.

I thank you, Madam President.