Statement by Ambassador Masood Khan, Pakistan's Permanent Representative to the United Nations, during the United Nations Security Council Debate on Great Lakes Region (July 25, 2013)

Madam President,

We thank Secretary of State John Kerry for presiding over this special session of the Council.

This United States' initiative gives a fresh impetus to the quest for peace and security in the DRC and its neighborhood.

Today's debate brought together the Secretary General, President of the World Bank, Special Envoy Mary Robinson and leaders from the region.

This is synergy in action.

We pay special tribute to the Secretary General who, despite heavy odds and some setbacks, assembled leaders of eleven countries// and four guarantors - the UN, AU, ICGLR and SADC - for the common cause of peace and stability in the Great Lakes region.

This is a big picture approach.

The big picture requires that countries in the region must build a strong nexus between peace and development.

There can be no development without peace in the region. Regional economic integration should replace the toxic legacy of pogroms and reign of terror imposed by militias and armed groups.

The PSC Framework hold the promise to deliver peace. Special Envoy Mary Robinson has testified that some progress is being made. We should maintain the momentum generated by positive developments.

The big picture dictates that killings must end. Violations of international human and humanitarian law- such as executions, sexual violence and forced recruitments - must cease. Impunity should not be condoned. Perpetrators should be made accountable.

The Intervention Brigade under MONUSCO is being deployed. It must succeed. The brigade is one of the tools of the overall strategy to act as a deterrent. It is not meant to be a substitute for the Congolese army nor a panacea for all the problems in eastern DRC.

As this Council's resolution 2098 underlines, ultimately a well-trained and adequately equipped Rapid Reaction Force within the Congolese army would take over the responsibilities of this brigade.

MONUSCO remains a keystone of the new strategy.

We all know that the process of the implementation of the Framework is not easy.

It is important that DRC's neighbors and regional partners are fully on board and they implement the Framework in good faith.

It is also critical that all countries respect sovereignty and territorial integrity of the neighboring states.

Credible and verifiable measures should be taken to disarm, disband and demobilize groups that defy the writ of the state. Allegations can be investigated; and truth established.

Realistic and time-bound benchmarks should be developed to monitor the progress in the implementation of the Framework.

We welcome the initial steps taken by the Government of DRC to implement the PSC Framework and establish the national oversight mechanism.

The responsibility of the maintenance of peace and security in the Eastern DRC should be gradually transferred to its armed forces and police.

The DRC should expand security sector reform, consolidate state authority, and work towards national reconciliation.

Madam President,

Pakistan is strongly committed to the goals of peace and stability in the DRC and Great Lakes region.

Pakistani peacekeepers in MONUSCO have played an important role to restore and bolster stability in the DRC.

They have carried out daring operations against armed groups, contributed to the training and capacity building of the Congolese national security forces, and worked in community welfare projects.

Many of our soldiers have laid down their lives on the DRC's soil.

Our peacekeepers will continue to protect civilians and implement MONUSCO's mandate.

Madam President,

We hope that there will be a new dawn for the people of the Great Lakes region.

This century is Africa's century.

As Africa moves towards robust economic growth and attains political clout, the Great Lakes region should not be held back by strife and conflict.

Illicit exploitation of minerals should stop.

The rich resources of the region should now be harnessed for the benefit of its people.

The countries of the region should assume their rightful place in Africa and the comity of nations. Great Lakes region should become an arc of stability and prosperity in the continent

And the United Nations should succeed in its mission.

I thank you, Madame President.