Statement by Ambassador Sahebzada A. Khan, Acting Permanent Representative during the Security Council Meeting on 1737 Committee (90-day report by Chairman of 1737 Committee to the Security Council) New York,(15 July 2013)

Thank you Madam President,

Thanks also to Ambassador Gary Quinlan for presenting the 90-day report.

Madam President,

Pakistan continues to believe that a peaceful and negotiated solution to the Iranian nuclear issue is possible. More importantly, it is essential.

Demonstration of political will and flexibility by all concerned is required. Reciprocal confidence-building measures are necessary. A negotiated solution needs to be also facilitated by striking a balance between sanctions and negotiations.

We call upon the Council and the 1737 Committee to consider revisiting the objectives and strategy as set out in the relevant resolutions.

Madam President,

We thank the Panel of Experts for its Final Report. We look forward to discussing and examining its recommendations in the Committee.

We share the views expressed by other Council members on strict compliance by the Panel with its mandate. The Panel reports and research must conform to high standards of objectivity and impartiality. Its findings and recommendations must always be backed up by credible evidence.

Madam President,

The NPT, the IAEA Statute as well as Iran’s Safeguards Agreement provide the framework that stipulates Iran’s obligations and rights. Any path towards resolution of the nuclear issue should be based on these instruments.

We urge Iran to stay engaged with the IAEA and extend full cooperation to it with a view to resolving all outstanding issues. We also encourage P-5 plus one countries to persevere with the dialogue process.

Madam President,

We note the re-appointment of all previous experts on the Panel. Broadening the composition of the Panel particularly from developing countries remains an important issue. The appointment of experts in all the subsidiary bodies of the Council must be based on prior, not post, consultations with the Committee. The principle of transparency in recruitment process must be adhered by the Secretariat.

I thank you, Madam President.