Meeting of the Committee on the Exercise of the Inalienable Rights of the Palestinian People (20 May 2013)


Thank you Chair for giving me the floor.

  1. We thank Mr. Saëb Erakat for his passionate and eloquent but very sobering briefing. He has vividly depicted the plight and predicament of the Palestinians. We understand the excruciating pain of the Palestinians as they pass through these difficult times of occupation and extreme deprivation.
  2. We endorse his call for renewed international focus on the resolution of this long outstanding issue to correct the historic injustice. Continued attention of the international community is extremely important. While the US engagement is welcome, the Quartet and the Security Council should also play their role in this regard.
  3. Resumption of the peace process should mean action with clear benchmarks and deadlines.
  4. A sustainable resolution of the Arab-Israeli conflict lies only through the establishment of an independent, viable and contiguous State of Palestine on the basis of pre-1967 borders, with Al-Quds Al-Sharif as its capital. The very important and major concession afforded by the Arab League in this regard should be appreciated.
  5. Two States, living side by side, in peace and security, is the goal that we ought to pursue single-mindedly.
  6. All Security Council resolutions relating to Palestine, including Resolution 1860 must be fully implemented. Settlement activity must stop, Palestinian detainees must be released, religious freedom should be restored, efforts aimed at financially stifling the Palestinian Authority must stop. The culture of impunity must end.
  7. Peace in the Middle East has been a continuing quest for more than six decades. Pakistan has all along been a supporter of the inalienable right to self-determination for Palestine. Let me assure you of our continued unflinching support.

I thank you.