Statement by Ambassador Masood Khan, Permanent Representative of Pakistan, in Security Council debate on United Nations Stabilization Mission in Haiti (MINUSTAH)(20 March 2013)

Mr. President,

Thank you for organizing today’s debate.

We thank Acting SRSG Nigel Fisher for his insightful briefing.

Pakistan fully supports efforts to move Haiti towards peace and progress, which is the collective objective for Haitian people, this Council and the international community.

The brave and resilient people of Haiti have made important strides towards stability and development.

The devastating earthquake of 2010 reversed the gains achieved over many years. It is heartening that a new and promising Haiti is emerging from the ashes of that tragedy. Challenges persist but the resolve of the Hatian people for collective action to rebuild their country is stronger.

Last year, Haiti achieved important political milestones by forming a new government, issuing the constitutional amendments, and establishing Superior Council of judiciary. This year, elections of Presidents of the Senate and the Chambers of Deputies are significant developments.

Improvement in relations between the Executive and the Parliament will lead to further political progress in the country.

We welcome the pledge made by the President of Haiti to hold elections in 2013. These elections will help revitalize the country’s democratic institutions.

Haiti needs international assistance for management of the electoral process. We support assistance by the United Nations for the Haitian authorities to progressively assume full responsibility for the management of electoral process by 2016.

Mr. President,

Pakistan has been a participant in UN peacekeeping missions in Haiti since 1993. Presently, one FPU from Pakistan, comprising 139 personnel, is serving in Haiti. All components of MINUSTAH are implementing a challenging mandate under difficult circumstances.

We hope that the drawdown of MINUSTAH military component would not impact the security situation in the country.

Disturbance in some areas of the country underscored the necessity for the Mission to remain agile and capable against an emergent situation.

The Secretary-General’s report, under consideration today, has presented a condition-based consolidation plan for MINUSTAH.

It entails narrowing of MINUSTAH activities to core mandated tasks in the areas of security, governance, rule of law and respect for human rights.

We agree with the approach of working around a set of stabilization benchmarks to gauge the overall progress. One of the most significant aspects of these benchmarks is the development of Haitian National Police (HNP).

The success of five-year training programme and strengthening of the HNP is a pre-requisite for MINUSTAH’s eventual withdrawal from Haiti.

Mr. President,

Today’s debate should underscore the challenge of addressing the humanitarian situation in Haiti. The ongoing cholera epidemic, food insecurity and extreme vulnerability to natural disasters augment the humanitarian challenge.

We urge greater coordination and cohesion among different actors engaged in humanitarian work. We also caution against donor fatigue, which can result from a protracted crisis, like the one faced by Haiti.

Pakistan supports sovereignty, territorial integrity and political independence of Haiti. We remain a sincere partner of the people of Haiti in their quest for peace, security, stability and progress.

I thank you.