Explanation of Vote by Ambassador Raza Bashir Tarar, Acting Permanent Representative of Pakistan on the United Nations Security Council Resolution 2063 (2012) on the Renewal of mandate of the African Union-United Nations Hybrid Operation in Darfur (UNAMID) New York (31 July 2012)

Thank you Mr. President,

  1. Pakistan supports a durable and peaceful resolution of the Darfur issue through an inclusive political process, and in full respect for the unity, sovereignty and territorial integrity of Sudan.
  2. UNAMID continues to play an important role towards the realization of these goals as well as for the maintenance of peace and security in Darfur. Pakistan has been closely associated with the Mission. Our troops and police units have made valuable contributions to its operations over the years and we will continue to support the important work being undertaken by UNAMID in line with its mandate.

Mr. President,

  1. Pakistan believes that effective implementation of UNAMID’s mandate and the objective of establishment of durable peace and security in Darfur can best be achieved through cooperative and constructive engagement with the Government of Sudan. Any actions or decisions to the contrary only risk undermining the objective of peace and security in Darfur.
  2. Eight years after this Council took up the Darfur issue, it is high time we realize this imperative, which is crucial for success in Darfur. We find it very unhelpful that the text makes at best only a half-hearted attempt at acknowledging the achievements by the Government of Sudan as well as UNAMID. It also downplays and trivializes the challenge posed by the ever-widening network of alliance between Darfur-based rebel movements with those out-side Darfur with the declared purpose of overthrowing the government. The refusal to mention the Sudan Revolutionary Front in the Council’s decisions is not understandable.
  3. While some of these important issues have been ignored in the resolution, certain other issues were included, on which several members had reservations and which did not even find a mention in the Reports of the Secretary General. This is certainly not a helpful approach towards advancing the goals of peace and stability in the region.
  4. The final text of the resolution could have been improved with a more objective reflection of issues. Pakistan delegation made several proposals with this objective. We are disappointed that they were not accommodated.

Mr. President,

  1. A long-standing and complicated issue like Darfur requires a united and consensual message by the Council, based on a transparent and inclusive approach, involving all Council Members. Transparency and inclusiveness of negotiations would have stood us in good stead.
  2. Despite Pakistan’s several reservations on the procedural as well as the substantive aspects of the resolution, Pakistan decided to vote in favour of the text in order to support the efforts of the men and women in UNAMID who are working for the establishment of peace in the region.
  3. We will continue to play our role in the establishment of durable peace in Darfur as well as the broader region.

Thank you Mr. President.