Presentation of 90-day report by Chairman of 1737 Committee (on Iran ) to the Security Council Statement by Ambassador Raza Bashir Tarar Deputy Permanent Representative of Pakistan New York (12 June 2012)

Mr. President,

We thank Ambassador Néstor Osorio for the 90-day report of the 1737 Committee covering the period 21 March to 11 June 2012.

We are studying the final report of the Panel of Experts that was presented to the Committee last month and has since been published. We hope that the Committee will examine this detailed report, its conclusions and recommendations in the week ahead.

We share the view that the Panel of Experts needs to undertake its work and activities strictly in accordance with its mandate as outlined in relevant SC resolutions and under the direction of the Committee. It is important that the Panel’s reports are aligned to the broader but mutually reinforcing goals outlined in the relevant Security Council resolutions i.e. effective implementation of the sanctions as well as a negotiated and diplomatic solution to the Iranian nuclear issue.

Mr. President,

Now that the Security Council has adopted a resolution extending the mandate of the Panel for another year, we continue to believe that the Panel’s composition needs to reflect a broader geographic representation, particularly from developing countries. We hope that in appointing members of the Panel, due consideration would be given to both expertise and geographic balance. These measures will help in broaden awareness of the importance of the sanctions regime among the wider UN membership.

We take note of the recent IAEA report on the implementation of NPT safeguards in Iran. We welcome the useful round of talks held between Iran and the P-5 Plus One in Istanbul and Baghdad. We hope that the next round in Moscow would help deepen the diplomatic process for a negotiated and peaceful solution of the Iranian nuclear issue.

Mr. President,

Security Council sanctions are but one of the means to achieve the larger and shared objective of resolving issues relating to Iran’s nuclear and missile programmes. We reiterate our view that Security Council sanctions should not be pursued as an end in themselves. These need to be harmonized with the larger goals set by the Council i.e. facilitating a negotiated resolution of outstanding issues.

Given the delicate and complex regional environment, Pakistan as a neighbouring country of Iran does not wish any escalation of tensions in an already volatile region. We therefore reaffirm the need for dialogue and diplomacy.

Iran as a party to the NPT and member of the IAEA, enjoys certain rights that need to be respected. At the same time, Iran should fulfill its legal obligations under the NPT and extend full cooperation to the IAEA to resolve outstanding issues.

We are confident that the Council, the Committee as well as the Panel of Experts would remain mindful of the need to maintain a balance between sanctions and negotiations.

I thank you Mr. President.