Statement by Ambassador Raza Bashir Tarar Acting Permanent Representative of Pakistan in the debate of the Security Council on “Situation in the Middle East, including the Palestinian Question" (New York 23 April 2012)

Madam President,

Thank you for convening today’s debate.

We align ourselves with the statements to be delivered by the distinguished Permanent Representatives of Egypt and Kazakhstan on behalf of the Non-Aligned Movement and the OIC respectively.

Madam President,

Pakistan continues to support the inalienable right of self-determination of the people of Palestine. Its continued denial carries the risk of conflagration of the conflict and possibly embroiling the whole region in it. The Security Council continues to evade its responsibility of maintaining international peace and security at peril to its credibility.

We welcome the resolution adopted by the UN Human Rights Council, establishing an independent international fact-finding mission to investigate the implications of Israeli settlements on the rights of Palestinians in the Occupied Palestinian Territories, including East Jerusalem.

We, also, are encouraged to note that the UN Secretary General visited the region in February, affording him an opportunity to experience first-hand the plight of a nation living under occupation, in appalling conditions. It was a timely initiative that, we hope, would help refocus the attention of the international community on this festering dispute for the dragon’s teeth are planted in the fertile soil of wrongs unrighted, of disputes left to fester for years.

Madam President,

Flying in the face of the international community’s will, Israel continues to implement policies in defiance of international law, and work towards undermining the basis of the two-State solution. Its efforts to redraw the map of Palestine through continuation of illegal settlement activity, continued persecution of Palestinians, and reluctance to accept the 1967 borders as the basis for negotiations, is taking the region to a state akin to a powder keg. We reiterate that continued inaction by the international community is not an option.

We strongly condemn the announcement by Israel on 4th April to call new tenders for construction of over 1100 settlement homes in East Jerusalem. Similarly, the so called Mayor of Jerusalem has also announced plans to establish a new settlement that would effectively divide East Jerusalem. Such acts are systematically reducing the space for establishment of a viable Palestinian state, and constitute a major road-block to peace.

Special Coordinator Robert Serry, in his briefing to the Council on March 27, 2012, painted a gloomy picture for prospects of restarting direct negotiations. He also said that without a roadmap, the state-building efforts of the Palestinian Authority were also at risk.

The Middle East Quartet, that met in Washington DC on April 11, 2012, has reaffirmed its commitment to all elements of its Roadmap of 23rd September 2011. However, it is disconcerting to note that its statement focuses more on financial viability of the Palestinian Authority than on settlement activity or providing a roadmap for resumption of the peace process. It has also failed to apportion blame on Israel for actions that have stalled the peace process. The Security Council should put its weight behind creating conditions conducive to restarting the peace process and holding Israel accountable for its continued defiance.

We also remind the Council that the Palestinian Authority has invited it to undertake a Mission to the Occupied Palestinians Territories, including the West Bank. We would continue to engage with other Members of the Council in trying to bring the visit to fruition.

Madam President,

While the international community continues to highlight illegal detentions in other parts of the region, more than 4700 Palestinians languish in inhuman conditions in Israeli prisons. The international community should heed the plight of the 1200 prisoners currently on hunger strike to protest arbitrary detentions and force the occupying power to mend its ways. We once again request the High Contracting Parties to the Fourth Geneva Convention to demand the implementation of the Convention in the Palestinian Territory, especially regarding Palestinian prisoners.

Israel’s continued blockade of Gaza is diminishing further the already nominal economic prospects for residents of the area. We, therefore, once again call for full implementation of Security Council Resolution 1860.

We appreciate and strongly support the Palestinian Authority’s progress in building State institutions. Its Paper, presented to the Adhoc Liaison Committee entitled, "Equitable Development: Moving Forward Despite the Occupation", provides details of the progress made despite seemingly insurmountable odds. Palestine has undoubtedly proved that it is ready to take its rightful place among the comity of nations. Pakistan supported its bid for UNESCO membership last year, and stands committed to supporting its full UN membership.

Madam President,

Pakistan supports lasting peace for all inhabitants of the Middle East. The broad framework for this peace is already laid down elaborately in a number of Security Council Resolutions, the Quartet roadmap, the Madrid Terms of Reference and the Arab Peace Initiative. Political will of the international community, the sine que non to implement these documents, is conspicuous by its absence.

For lasting peace in the Middle East, progress on Syria-Israel and the Lebanon-Israel conflicts is imperative as well. We continue to insist on full withdrawal of Israel from occupied Lebanese land, as well as the Syrian Golan, in compliance of relevant General Assembly and Security Council Resolutions.

We are concerned and disappointed that the question of Syrian Golan, which is an integral element of the Council's consideration of this agenda item, has not found a mention in the Secretariat's briefing to the Council.

The region is in turmoil, and the Arab Spring cannot and would not bloom fully without fulfillment of the legitimate aspirations of the Palestinian people. Benign neglect, inaction, complicity with oppression or apathy will only discredit the advocates of peace and strengthen the narrative of extremists.

I thank you.