Statement by Ambassador Raza Bashir Tarar Acting Permanent Representative of Pakistan in the Security Council in Explanation of Vote on the Resolution on Syria (21 April 2012)

Madam President,

Let me begin by thanking the Kingdom of Morocco for expressing condolences at yesterday’s tragic air crash in Pakistan.

Madam President,

Pakistan welcomes the unanimous adoption of Resolution 2043 Building on Resolution 2042, and earlier agreements of the Council, we have today taken another significant step in the process that, we hope, would lead to a peaceful resolution of the crisis in Syria. It is also another reaffirmation of the Council's united backing for the efforts of the Special Envoy Kofi Annan. The continued spirit of accommodation exhibited by all Council members in this regard is highly appreciated.

With this Resolution, the Council has authorized the establishment of the United Nations Supervision Mission in Syria (UNSMIS) to monitor the cessation of armed violence in all its forms by all parties and to monitor and support the full implementation of the six-point proposal of the Special Envoy. By authorizing this Mission, we hope that the dynamics on the ground would change, resulting in a complete cessation of violence, and which would create conditions amenable for an inclusive, Syrian-owned and Syria-led dialogue process. It would thus lead to achieving the overall objective of the Council to promote a peaceful political solution of the situation in Syria, with full respect for its unity, sovereignty and territorial integrity.

We call upon all sides in Syria to fully cooperate with the Mission to enable it to carry out its mandate effectively, and in full safety and security. All sides, particularly the Government of Syria, must fulfill their responsibilities and commitments. We also expect the Mission to undertake its work with utmost neutrality and objectivity. At the same time, we would like to remind and caution that any steps or efforts that could undermine the work of the Mission or the Special Envoy, must be avoided.

In the end, let me reiterate Pakistan's continued support for all efforts towards the fulfillment of our common objective of a peaceful political settlement of the Syrian crisis. It is in this spirit that we have decided to co-sponsor the Resolution.

Thank you.