Statement by Ambassador Raza Bashir Tarar, Acting Permanent Representative of Pakistan, in the Security Council in Explanation of Vote on the Resolution 2042 (2012) on Syria, 14 April 2012

Madam President,

Today is indeed an important day for peaceful resolution of the situation in Syria. It is also proof that the Council can indeed come together to fulfill its role in the global scheme of things. We are deeply appreciative of the spirit of accommodation exhibited by all Council members.

The adoption of this resolution by the Security Council is an important step in our overall objective of promoting a peaceful political solution of the situation in Syria, with full respect for its unity, sovereignty and territorial integrity.

Unanimous support by the Council for this objective sends a strong and unambiguous message, of unity and commitment, of urgency and responsibility, in addressing a situation, which has had tragic humanitarian consequences, and which has the potential of negatively impacting an already fragile regional situation.

A central element of the resolution is the Council’s unanimous and strong support for the efforts of the Joint Special Envoy, Mr. Kofi Annan. Mr. Annan’s efforts and Mission have not only brought the Council together around a common platform but also given hope for the success of our collective objective. This is an example of how preventive diplomacy and mediation can deliver under principles of objectivity, balance, engagement and dialogue.

Pakistan has backed the Special Envoy’s Mission from the outset and we will continue to support his efforts. We believe that all sides and all quarters should fully cooperate with the Special Envoy to ensure the success of his mandate. Any steps or actions that may undermine his work should be avoided.

We hope that the Council will stay the course in our collective pursuit of a peaceful political settlement of the Syrian crisis.

Thank you.