Current situation in Gaza

Statement by Ambassador Farukh Amil, Acting Permanent Representative of Pakistan in the Security Council on the Situation in the Middle East, including the Palestinian Question — 7 January 2009

Mr. President,

  1. I take the floor to express our grave concern over the prevailing situation in the Gaza Strip and to reiterate our solidarity with the Palestinian people. Pakistan shares their pain and suffering in these exceptionally trying circumstances.
  2. The besieged populations of the Gaza, who were originally dispossessed and driven from their own homes by the Israeli occupation, are being tormented once again, by a brutal military campaign by the occupying power. For 12 days now, the international community has witnessed, in shock and horror, as unimaginable human tragedy and grave humanitarian crisis have unfolded in the Gaza, resulting from the callous, excessive and indiscriminate use of force by Israel. Killing of any civilian on either side is unacceptable. We have called for an end to the firing of rockets on Israel. These actions do not serve the Palestinian cause in any way. However, attempts to justify the overwhelming force and massively disproportionate response by Israel to these rockets are misplaced. Such attempts seem to try to mask the origins of the conflict, the root cause i.e. the occupation, human rights violations and collective punishment of the Palestinian people, and the obvious frustration of an oppressed and deprived population languishing under stranglehold and blockades of the occupying power.
  3. The colossal scale of death and destruction caused by this campaign of terror, especially targeted against civilians and infrastructure in the Gaza, has been widely reported and documented by international media, human rights and humanitarian organizations, and the United Nations. Nothing has been spared – homes, civilian facilities, places of worship, civilian shelters, even UN schools – indeed this is precision targeting and so-called smart bombing. Among hundreds martyred and thousands injured, scores are women and children. These actions cannot be justified under any pretext whatsoever. They are in flagrant violation of international law and of the Fourth Geneva Convention Relative to the Protection of Civilian Persons in Time of War. There should be accountability for these violations.
  4. Together with the entire international community, the Government and the people of Pakistan have strongly condemned this aggression and spilling of innocent blood in the Gaza. We have appealed for cessation of hostilities and violence, and support all efforts to that end. We believe that use of force not only contravenes international principles and norms, it is also counter-productive, as past experience has proved. The failure to stop the aggression will only perpetuate the cycle of violence and foment desperation, anger and extremism. We take note of the reprieve in the attacks announced today. We sincerely hope that it becomes permanent. Resumption of attacks with the resultant civilian casualties is not acceptable.
  5. On a larger perspective, we are seriously concerned that the deteriorating situation in the Gaza as a result of Israeli attacks would lead to escalation of tensions in the region and undermine the efforts for promoting a peaceful, just and durable settlement of the question of Palestine, which is the key to achieving a comprehensive peace in the Middle East.
  6. Mr. President, the crisis in Gaza required an urgent, collective and effective response from the international community. It cannot wait while innocent people continue to be killed. In accordance with its primary responsibility for the maintenance of international peace and security, the Security Council was expected to galvanize and lead such a response. Yet the Council has once again failed to act. To be true, it has not been allowed to act. It has failed to recognize the international condemnation of the situation in the Gaza. It has been unable to capitalize on the worldwide backing for an immediate ceasefire, and to support the numerous ongoing efforts by regional and international partners to secure peace. It has failed to reciprocate the sincere and constructive approach and proposals by the Arab group, whose high level delegation is currently with us. Under the circumstances, the silence and inaction of the Council are inexplicable, and a further blow to its already questioned credibility and legitimacy - a point that was repeatedly raised by many delegations in the debate yesterday.
  7. Ironically, this foot-dragging by the Security Council comes in the wake of its own, much touted resolution 1850 adopted most recently on 16 December 2008. While noting the shortcomings of that resolution, we had nevertheless hoped that serious and sincere efforts would be undertaken to realize the underlying commitment for peace embodied in that resolution. We believe, the Council must stand firmly behind its call on parties to fulfill their obligations and to refrain from any steps that could undermine confidence or prejudice the outcome of negotiations. The Council must stop the Israeli aggression in order to contribute to an atmosphere conducive to peace and negotiations.
  8. We support the calls for the Council to adopt, without further delay, a resolution which should:
    1. Compel Israel to immediately stop its aggression
    2. Demand an immediate and permanent ceasefire and its full respect by both parties
    3. Provide for complete lifting of the siege of Gaza and opening of the border crossings
    4. Ensure unhindered and safe access and conditions for humanitarian work
    5. Establish mechanism to ensure protection of civilian population and monitoring of ceasefire
    6. Promote intra-Palestinian unity and reconciliation
  9. In that regard, we support the draft resolution submitted by Libya on behalf of the Arab group, and which is also consistent with the Final Communique of the Extraordinary Meeting of the Executive Committee of the OIC at the level of Foreign Ministers held in Jeddah on 3 January. I would also like to note that in coordination with the Arab Group, the African Group and the NAM, the OIC Group in Geneva has requested for a Special Session of the Human Rights Council on 9 January to address the grave violations of human rights in the Occupied Palestinian Territory including the recent aggression on the occupied Gaza strip.
  10. Together with these steps, the international community must rededicate its attention and redouble its efforts towards the larger objective of a just, lasting and comprehensive peace in the Middle East and the resolution of the Palestinian question based on international law and full implementation of relevant United Nations resolutions and agreements and obligations of the parties and the framework provided by the Madrid terms of reference, the road map and the Arab Peace Initiative. I would like to conclude by reiterating Pakistan's steadfast and complete support for the achievement of the inalienable rights of the Palestinian people to exercise self-determination and sovereignty in their independent and viable State of Palestine, on the basis of the pre-1967 borders, with Al-Quds Al-Sharif as its capital.. Thank you.