Adoption of Resolution 1566 (2004) by Security Council Explanation of Vote by Ambassador Munir Akram, Permanent Representative of Pakistan to the United Nations (8 October 2004)

Mr. President,

Over the past 25 years, Pakistan has been a principal victim of terrorism. We have therefore been in the forefront of the global campaign against terrorism. Confronted by terrorist attacks periodically against innocent people in our cities — including yesterday in Multan — my Government is steadfastly committed to achieving success in the war on terrorism.

  1. We believe, Mr. Chairman, that this resolution which has been adopted unanimously, will strengthen international cooperation beyond our cooperation against Al-Qaida and the Taliban to other sources of international terrorism.

  2. Operative paragraph-3 of this draft resolution enumerates a number of criminal acts, which constitute offences within the scope of and as defined in international conventions and protocols relating to terrorism. We participated constructively in the negotiations on this resolution. We are grateful to the Russian Federation and other co-sponsors for their flexibility in addressing some of the concerns we had with regard to specific aspects and language in the draft resolution.

  3. We believe that the resolution reaffirms the imperative to combat terrorism in all its forms and manifestations in accordance with the Charter of the United Nations and international law. We attach particular importance to preambular paragraph 9 of the resolution which emphasizes enhancing dialogue and broadening the understanding among civilizations in an effort to prevent the indiscriminate targeting of different religions and cultures and addressing unresolved regional conflicts and the full range of global issues including development issues which will contribute to international cooperation and which by itself is necessary to sustain the broadest possible fight against terrorism.

  4. Finally, Mr. President, I would like to reiterate the need for a comprehensive strategy to address terrorism. In this context President Musharraf of Pakistan stated in the General Assembly last month and I quote ‘The immediate anti-terrorist response has to be accompanied by a clear, long-term strategy striking at the root of the problem if we are to ensure final success against this scourge.”

  5. I thank you, Mr. President.