"Situation in the Middle East"

Explanation of Vote after the vote by Ambassador Munir Akram on draft resolution under Agenda Item (5 October 2004)

Pakistan has co-sponsored and supported draft resolution on the Situation in the Middle East which could not be adopted due to the negative vote of one permanent member.

  1. The reasons for our support are the following:
  2. One, the resolution sought to address an emergency humanitarian situation arising from the Israeli military incursion which, in the last few days, has led to the death of over Palestinian 80 civilians, including women and children. It has also left hundreds of civilians injured and shelterless.

    Two, apart from its humanitarian dimension, the incursion clearly constitutes a serious violation of international humanitarian law particularly the Fourth Geneva Convention and thus warrants an action by the Council under its Charter obligations in particular its obligations as envisaged in Articles 1, 2 and 24.

    Three, politically the situation poses a grave danger to the on-going peace efforts in the region, The Council has a responsibility to respond.

    Four, the resolution was carefully drafted. It reaffirmed the agreed legal position and demanded measures helpful in alleviating the humanitarian suffering resulting from the latest Israeli incursion.

    Five: Use can be made of indigenous and informal traditions for administration of justice and settlement of disputes – if these are consistent with international norms.
  3. Unfortunately, the Council could not meet the expectations of the Palestinians as well as wider public opinion in the Muslim world. It is clear that its inaction will not contribute to the cause of peace and justice in the Middle East. The sense of helplessness and desperation among Palestinians will further increase which could aggravate an already volatile situation in the region.

  4. We believe by not acting today, the Council has missed an important opportunity to contribute to the peace efforts in the Middle East. We hope that member states, which have refrained from supporting the resolution, will use their bilateral influence in persuading Israel to respond to international calls to cease its military operations in the Gaza, withdraw its forces and commit itself to full implementation the Quartet’s Roadmap.