“Public Meeting of the Security Council Presentation of the twelfth 90 day work programme by the Chairman, CTC ”

Intervention by Mr. Aizaz Ahmad Chaudhry, Charge d’ Affairs of the Pakistan Mission to the United Nations 19 July 2004

Mr. President,

We congratulate the Russian Federation for assuming the Chair of the CTC, thank the outgoing chairman of the CTC, Ambassador Inocencio Arias, for his outstanding contribution, and welcome Ambassador Javier Ruperéz, the new Executive Director.

We also thank Ambassador Konuzin for presenting to the Council the twelfth work programme of the CTC for July-September 2004. We appreciate his leadership role in guiding the work of the CTC.

The CTC is going through a transitional phase aimed at its revitalization. We look forward to the finalization of the organizational plan of the CTED. In this regard we share view that the Committee would need to maintain a balance between reform efforts and its short-term activities.

We agree with the need, as expressed by the Chairman, for the Committee to play a more active role in coordinating the provision of technical assistance. In this context, the integration of analysis of country assessments of assistance needs into the review process should be done in an objective manner.

On the question of reporting, while emphasizing the need for timely submission of reports, the Committee should also try to address issues such as reporting fatigue, technical capacity for rendering such reports etc.

We have noted the efforts of the Chairman to pursue closer coordination with other UN structures dealing with various aspects of counter terrorism. However, we understand that such coordination will be pursued within the respective mandates of the Committee and other UN structures.

We have noted the Committee’s intention to begin preparations for the first visit by the CTC to a member state subject to its consent. Such visits should lead to the creation of a climate of cooperation and provision of technical assistance, as pointed out by the Chairman in his statement today.

We support activities aimed at improving communication between the Committee and member states so as to enhance the capacity of states to fight terrorism more effectively.

We also share the view that the Committee needs to improve its communication methods to promote transparency and avoid misperceptions about its work.

We look forward to the meeting of the CTC with international, regional and sub-regional organizations to be hosted by the League of Arab State later this year.

I Thank you, Mr. President.