Public Meeting of the Security Council on Timor Leste

Statement by the Ambassador Munir Akram, Permanent Representative of Pakistan to the United Nations (10th May, 2004)

Pakistan condemns the terrorist bomb attack that took place on 9 May 2004 in Grozny, the Russian Federation, as a result of which many people were injured and killed, including the legitimate President of the Chechen Republic of the Russian Federation, Ahmad Kadyrov.

  1. I wish to thank Ambassador Kamalesh Sharma for introducing the Secretary-General’s report as well as the updating us on the situation in Timor Leste..
  2. Pakistan has extended full support to the success of new State of Timor-Leste, a State which emerged in an exemplary exercise of the right of self-determination – a Charter principle to which Pakistan is deeply committed.
  3. Timor Leste has made remarkable progress since its independence two years ago credit for this must go first and foremost to the people and the government of Timor Leste. We appreciate, in particular, the bold efforts of the Timorese leadership to encourage national reconciliation. We hope that it will continue to strive to heal the deep wounds of the past – both internal and external and build the foundations for sustainable peace and progress.

  4. Pakistan supports the efforts of the United Nations Mission of Support in East Timor (UNMISET) to consolidate peace and assist institutional development in Timor Leste. We support the extension of its mandate for a further year, as recommended by the Secretary-General’s report. We believe that this is necessary to allow the Mission to fulfill its mandate. We also note the report’s recommendations for the new composition of the Mission’s downsized force structure which includes both military and police units. The outstanding tasks for UNMISET include providing support to Timor Leste in the following key areas: (i) public administration and justice; (ii) development of law enforcement; and (iii) the maintenance of security and stability.

  5. We must bear in mind the observation in the Secretary-General’s report “that the provision of support through peacekeeping can only meet the most urgent needs of the country’s requirements. It must be complemented and built upon by bilateral and multilateral support, if real progress is to take place.” In our view, the most imposing long-term challenge confronting Timor-Leste remains the promotion of its economic prosperity. International assistance will continue to be indispensable. The international community must continue to assist this new country even after UNMISET’s departure

  6. The continued support of Timor Leste’s neighbours is also vital in this regard. Pakistan believes that the development of close and friendly relations between Timor-Leste and Indonesia is of utmost importance and is in the best interest of both countries. We are confident both sides will continue to work together to resolve outstanding issues in particular the arrangements for the demarcation and management of their common border, as well as to strengthening mutual support and cooperation. We hope that Timor Leste’s other neighbours, including Australia will make every endeavour to resolve their bilateral issues with Timor Leste in order to allow this new country to attain its true economic potential.

  7. Timor Leste is widely considered a success story for United Nations peacekeeping. However, as Kamalesh Sharma said: “success is a retrospective judgment.” Real success of the UN in Timor Leste will be measured in years and perhaps decades. Timor Leste will continue to need the support of the international community in the remaining phases of UNMISET presence and beyond. All efforts must be made to ensure that the gains so painstakingly achieved are consolidated and not lost and Timor Leste indeed is remembered in history as a model of collaboration involving a committed national leadership, and a responsive and generous international community.