Public Meeting on the situation in Bougainville

Statement by Ambassador Munir Akram, Permanent Representative of Pakistan to the United Nations for the Security Council (6th May, 2004)

I would like to thank Assistant Secretary-General Danilo Turk for introducing the Secretary-General’s report on the United Nations Observer Mission Office in Bougainville (UNOMB). I would like to warmly welcome the participation of the Permanent Representative of Papua New Guinea at this table.

  1. Pakistan appreciates the facilitating role which the United Nations - first through its Political Office (UNPOB) and now through its Observer Mission in Bougainville (UNOMB) - has played over the last few years. We acknowledge the work of Mr. Noel Sinclair and his successor. We also commend the efforts of all the parties which have sought to implement a peaceful solution to the conflict in that territory. We appreciate in particular the Government of Papua New Guinea’s courageous decisions and strong commitment to peace. This has been crucial in the implementation of the Bougainville Peace agreement. We urge the parties to keep up the momentum to complete the constitutional and electoral process in a timely manner.
  2. It is heartening to hear ASG Turk, describe this as “a success story” for the international community. We urge the donor community to contribute generously not only for the financing of the peace process but also in promoting long-term socio-economic development to sustain peace.
  3. The UN Political office, prior to the expiry of its mandate had oversees the completion of Stage II of the weapons disposal plan, in July 2003. This was a crucial step in triggering the constitutional process, which is currently underway. This also prepares the ground for holding elections for an autonomous government in Bougainville by the end of 2004, as well as the eventual holding of a referendum in accordance with the provisions of the Lincoln and Arawa Agreements.

  4. The present mandate of the United Nations Observer Mission in Bougainville (UNOMB) provides for the completion of UNPOB’s outstanding tasks. These tasks include; (i) the destruction of weapons under Stage III of the weapons disposal plan and we note that over 80% of the contained weapons have already been destroyed; (ii) the monitoring of the constitutional process; and (iii) facilitating talks between the parties as well as building confidence between them. There is also the need to bring the faction of Francis Ona into the peace process. These important tasks need to be supported by the international community and this Council.

  5. Given the critical stage of the implementation of the peace process which lies ahead, Pakistan fully supports the extension of UNOMB’s mandate for another one year. We are confident that this will enhance the realization of the objective of peace to which both the parties in Bougainville and the Government of Papua New Guinea have committed themselves.