"Situation in the Middle East"

Intervention by Ambassador Munir Akram, Permanent Representative of Pakistan to the United Nations in the Security Council (19th April, 2004)

The Government of Pakistan condemns the latest extra-judicial execution by Israel in the Occupied Palestinian Territory.

Despite international condemnation of the similar extrajudicial execution of Sheikh Yasin a few weeks ago, Israel has refused to heed the wishes of international community that it stop acting in direct defiance of international law.

The extra-judicial executions are clearly a violation of its obligation under international humanitarian law, particularly the Fourth Geneva Convention. No interpretation of the principle of self-defence can justify such deliberate and arbitrary executions. A policy of targeted assassination and killings in an occupied territory as matter of State policy cannot contribute to peace and security either for Israel or the occupied Palestinians. Peace and the rule of law cannot be established by those acting outside the law.

It is not necessary to repeat that these actions have damaged international endeavours to break the cycle of violence and put the peace process back on track.

The international community supports a two-State solution, a vision of Palestine and Israel, living side by side in secure borders. This vision could only be achieved through the implementation of Security Council resolutions 242, 338, 1397 and 1515 and the Quartet Road Map which has been endorsed by the Security Council.

Let us not forget that the root cause of all violence and killings in Palestine and the Middle East is the foreign occupation by Israel. If an initiative for the greater stability of the region has to be taken, it must address this root cause and end foreign occupation.

Let us not forget a deep sense of alienation and frustration which resounds in the Islamic World because of unending violations of the fundamental rights of the Palestinian and other Islamic people.