Statement In Security Council

Statement by Ambassador Shamshad Ahmad, Permanent Representative of Pakistan to the United Nations on "The Situation in the Middle East including the Palestinian question" at the Security Council (9th April 2002)

Mr. President,

            Thank you very much for giving me the floor.

2. The situation in the Middle East shows no sign of improvement. It is indeed a matter of concern to all of us that despite repeated calls by this Council through its resolutions 1397, 1402, and 1403, the Israeli military operations in the Palestinian cities continue unabated. Numerous Palestinian towns and cities are suffering Israeli military occupation while civilian casualties are continuing to mount. This is a blatant defiance of this World Body and a challenge to its legal and moral authority.

3. We are dismayed that Israel has also not responded to President Bush’s call for cessation of its operations in Palestinian-controlled areas and withdrawal from cities that it recently re-occupied. Let us hope that the visit of US Secretary of State Colin Powell will produce some results.

4. Enforcibility of Security Council’s decision cannot be allowed to be held hostage to the whims of the violators of its resolutions. It may perhaps be necessary to move under Chapter VII.

5. Pakistan opposes violence of all sorts and scales. We urge its cessation. We also believe that the immediate stationing of international monitors in the region may be necessary not only to ensure the implementation of a cease-fire but also to secure an immediate end to the spiraling cycle of violence, and the protection of civilians who have been the main victims of the violence in recent weeks and months.

I thank you, Mr. President.

New York
9th April, 2002