Statement In Security Council

Statement by Ambassador Shamshad Ahmad, Permanent Representative of Pakistan to the United Nations on "The Situation in the Middle East including the Palestinian question" at the Security Council (3rd April 2002)

Mr. President,

            Let me congratulate you, Mr. President, on assuming the Presidency of the Council.

We had met only last Friday to consider the grievous situation in Palestine. Resolution 1402 was adopted to reverse this spiraling tide of violence and bloodshed. Painfully, there is no let up in the scale of carnage. Many more people have died and violence has generated more violence. This only demonstrates how helpless the Security Council has become and how scant is the respect for its resolutions and decisions. This trend is not only a cause for serious concern but also alarmingly indicative of the inability of this Council to uphold its moral authority and its Charter obligations. It is time to seriously address the question of implementing the outstanding resolutions of this Council without selectivity or discrimination. The very credibility of this body depends on this.

We strongly urge all concerned to fulfill their Charter obligations and take necessary steps to implement Security Council resolutions 1397 and 1402, ensuring an immediate ceasefire along with an Israeli withdrawal from Palestinian cities, and followed up with the resumption of the peace process, including the implementation of the Tenet work plan and the Mitchell Report recommendations.

I thank you, Mr. President.

New York
3rd April, 2002