Statement by Ambassador Dr. Maleeha Lodhi, Permanent Representative of Pakistan to the United Nations in the Second Committee on Agenda Item (25): Operational Activities for Development and South-South Cooperation (23 October 2018)

Mr. Chair,

Pakistan aligns itself with the statement delivered by Egypt on behalf of the G77 and China.

The role of the United Nations Development System (UNDS) remains critical in supporting member states to implement the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and its SDGs.

Since the adoption of the new Agenda in 2015, there has been a wide consensus that UNDS required a major overhaul.

The adoption of the UNDS reform resolution by the General Assembly earlier this year was in fact the outcome of this shared desire of member states.

The reform measures agreed through the resolution, especially concerning the UN Resident Coordinator System and UN Country teams, are significant.

We have also taken note of the Secretary General’s implementation plan for the Reinvigorated RC System as well as the establishment of the transition team, headed by USG Jens Wandel, to manage the overall change process across all reform streams.

The recently concluded review of the implementation of General Assembly resolution 68/1 on the strengthening of the Economic and Social Council, provides tangible steps for strategic oversight and accountability while reinforcing the linkages between policy and operational functions. It suggests measures to improve overall coordination and guidance on operational activities for development and on a system-wide basis to the governing bodies of UNDS.

We now seek full implementation of all reform measures and consequential steps in accordance with the principles agreed in the resolution and the overarching framework of the 2016 QCPR resolution.

I take this opportunity to highlight seven specific concerns and observations:

Mr. Chair,

We believe, South-South cooperation is becoming increasingly vital to bolster the productive capacities of developing countries. It has a positive impact on trade and financial flows as well as improving technological capabilities and boosting economic growth.

In this regard, we welcome the report of the Secretary General on the subject.

We also take note of the recommendations contained in the report on ways to enhance the role of the UN Office for South-South Cooperation.

However, it must always be borne in mind that South-South cooperation is a supplement to and not substitute for North-South cooperation.

Mr. Chair,

Pakistan has always attached great importance to South-South collaboration.

We remain extensively engaged in promoting South-South programmes and activities. We have also been providing training, technical support and other resources to many developing countries.

The China-Pakistan Economic Corridor is an exceptional example of South-South cooperation. Its scale and scope is enormous, and it is expected to bring huge economic and developmental benefits not just to China and Pakistan, but also to our region and beyond.

Mr. Chair,

We look forward to the Second High-level United Nations Conference on South-South Cooperation, scheduled in Argentina in March 2019.

It will be an opportunity to evaluate the impact of South-South cooperation on development around the world. We hope the recommendations the Secretary General intends to share with the Conference would provide us food for thought as well as basis for further discussion.

Let me conclude by assuring you Mr. Chair of Pakistan’s full support and cooperation in working actively to advance the interests and objectives of South-South Cooperation.

I thank you.