Remarks by the Mr. Nabeel Munir, Deputy Permanent of Pakistan to the UN at the ECOSOC Operational Activities for Development Segment General Debate (23 February 2016)

Pakistan fully associates itself with the statement made by Thailand on behalf of the Group of 77 and China.

We take this opportunity to thank the Secretary General for his report on the QCPR.

The role played by the UN Development System in supporting efforts towards achieving global development has been fundamental.

It is recognized as a trusted development partner. We greatly value our partnership with the UN Development System are working to further strengthen it.

Implementation of the 2030 Agenda, however, requires significant readjustment of the UN Development System.

We all recognize that traditional development cooperation methodologies would not work.

Furthermore, the range of issues covered by the SDGs and their universal nature certainly requires recalibration of the UN Development System.

The new Agenda promotes integration and requires an integrated approach at all levels to achieve the new development goals. Enhanced coherence and effective coordination would complement this integration.

We share the view that different needs of developing countries require differentiated responses. Priorities of the LDCs, LLDCs and SIDS are all special and unique, requiring UN Development System to respond in a manner that takes into account their special circumstances.

Similarly, poverty eradication and development challenges faced by Middle Income Countries requires tailored and focused responses from the UN System in line with their national priorities and needs.

Breaking the silos has been a key driver behind the 2030 Agenda. We had been successful in this while finalizing the Agenda. We must maintain this drive now in the implementation phase as well.

We attach great value to the need for guidance by member states to the Operational Activities of the UN Development System. The QCPR resolution 67/226 and also subsequent resolutions are significant in this regard.

The QCPR resolution this year provides us this opportunity to tune up the UN Development system and, as we all call it, to make the UN fit for purpose. It must respond to the needs and challenges posed by the new Agenda.

The ECOSOC Dialogue on Longer Term positioning, which will eventually feed into the QCPR, must fully take into account the critical institutional and governance challenges. It must address ensuring predictability and scaling up of financial resources for the UN Development System.

Our approach must be open, bold and realistic. We are all in this together.

Strategic thinking and willingness to change the business as usual, including recalibrating the UN resident coordinator system and UNDAF is extremely important.

In addition to institutional and normative challenges, the critical issue that could undermine UNDS response is associated with the decline in core funding and increase in reliance on non-core funding, which is essentially earmarked.

We need to address this fundamental issue while recalibrating the UN Development System in response to the new Agenda.

We strongly support the strengthening of the UN Office for South-South Cooperation (UNOSSC) as well as the implementation of the recommendations and measures set out in decision of the High-level Committee on South-South Cooperation. We also support system-wide provision of financial and human resources for the Office

At the country level, the UN Development System should be able to complement national efforts for the implementation of the 2030 agenda. Poverty eradication as well as sustained economic growth and development should remain at the core of this approach.

The programmatic activities of the UN must be consistent and in line with national programmatic activities and development priorities

A recalibrated system should strengthen national capacities and use of national execution mechanisms and local expertise in the implementation of its operational activities.

The Resident Coordinator’s role, function and accountability to the national government for agreed results and reporting on results, should continue to be under the leadership of the government, including his engagements and coordination with development stakeholders and the civil society.

I thank you.