Statement by Mr. Nabeel Munir, Deputy Permanent Representative of Pakistan at the Preparatory Meeting of the Overall review of Implementation of WSIS Outcomes (WSIS+10) (20 October 2015)

Let me first thank the co-facilitators for their efforts in leading this review process and also for producing this zero draft.

This draft could serve as a good basis for our negotiations.

We align with the statement made by the distinguished delegate of South Africa on behalf of the group of 77 and china.

We would like to make some additional comments in our national capacity.

Pakistan supports a meaningful review of the implementation of the WSIS outcomes that takes into account the achievements as well as the challenges.

It is considered important that the review should address issues associated with internet governance, use of ICT for development, potential ICT gaps, digital divide along with focusing on building a peaceful, secure and open cyberspace.

In our view, the zero draft should be consistent with the Tunis Agenda and follow the WSIS outcome structures to ensure a focused and consistent approach.

We believe that principles of territorial integrity, sovereign equality and non-interference in internal affairs of other countries are extremely important while pursing the WSIS vision.

We underscore that the evolution of global internet governance must progress in full observance of the principles enshrined in the Tunis Agenda.

We support establishment of a multilateral, democratic and transparent international internet governance system that ensure participation of all governments and relevant stakeholders. This will certainly strengthen the multi stakeholder approach as envisioned in the Tunis Agenda.

With regard to harnessing the potential of ICT for sustainable development, we strongly consider the need for measures to build capacities and to enable developing countries for better absorption and adoption of ICT solutions for socio economic benefit of the various sections of societies.

We believe this is also one of the main reasons of digital divide among countries and needs attention. At the same time, it is also important that we allocate sufficient resources to address the issue of digital divide.

On the question of renewing the mandate of the IGF, we consider it important to analyze the future role of the IGF, especially the work and the governing structure of the IGF.

With regard to human rights, the zero draft lays enough emphasis on protection of human rights under the international law and any constraints imposed thereto according to duly mandated lawful process.

The zero draft however needs to reflect a balancing mechanism between the protection of freedoms and the requisite safety of all users from malicious activity, harassment and cybercrimes.

These are our initial comments and we will provide further inputs during the course of our discussions.

I thank you co-chairs.