Statement by Ambassador Dr. Maleeha Lodhi Permanent Representative of Pakistan in the Fourth Committee, Agenda Item-56: "Comprehensive review of the whole question of peacekeeping operations in all their aspects" (4 November 2014)

Mr. Chairman,

We would like to extend our appreciation for the briefings to the Committee and align ourselves with the statement made by Morocco on behalf of NAM.

Mr. Chairman,

Pakistan considers peacekeeping a flagship UN enterprise and the most visible manifestation of our collective commitment to the maintenance of international peace and security.

Yet peacekeeping today faces new challenges and our common task is to ensure it performs at the optimal and most efficient level. The Security Council, the Secretariat and some TCCs/PCCs, all have issues to address and rectify.

Here are some thoughts on how to improve the situation:

Mr. Chairman,

The world today is beset with numerous conflicts and security challenges, whose complicated political and humanitarian dimensions are much harder to navigate and address than in the past. The growing complexity of contemporary challenges require deep reflection but also forward thinking.

The Secretary General’s initiative to convene a High Level Panel to review Peacekeeping was timely and much needed. We appreciate the extensive consultations undertaken by the Panel. The Panel's report as well as the Secretary General's Implementation report contain valuable recommendations.

Pakistan has been fully engaged with the High-Level Panel, and the ensuing process. We are gratified that many of our ideas are reflected in its Report.

Mr. Chairman,

As a leading troop and police contributing country, Pakistan has contributed over 150,000 personnel and served in 41 Missions in 23 countries sine 1960.

Our peacekeepers have worked in diverse and difficult conflict and post conflict situations, and have served with professionalism and distinction. One hundred and forty four of them have made the ultimate sacrifice.

Pakistan is also host to one of the UN’s first peacekeeping missions, UNMOGIP, which continues to monitor the ceasefire along the Line of Control in Jammu and Kashmir, a task, which we greatly value as a contribution to peace and security in our fraught region.

We have also been at the forefront of norm setting in peacekeeping. Resolution 2086 on Multidimensional Peacekeeping, adopted under Pakistan's Presidency of the Security Council in January 2013, is considered a landmark.

As a reiteration of our continuing commitment to UN peacekeeping here in New York, Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif co-hosted the Leaders Summit on Peacekeeping in September. He announced a series of substantial new pledges to further enhance the UN's capacity.

In addition, Pakistan continues to offer to the UN, our Centre for International Peace and Stability (CIPS,) based in Islamabad, for the conduct of regular peacekeeping courses, workshops and seminars.

Mr. Chairman,

The prudent and cautious approach that we advocate on "peace enforcement" stems from a concern that peacekeepers not become some kind of external intervention in internal or regional conflicts. As we all know, the experience of such external interventions has been disastrous.

We urge careful study of the impact of change, including with regard to international humanitarian law, immunity of UN peacekeepers and the safety and security of peacekeepers when their neutrality and impartiality is perceived to have been compromised.

Mr. Chairman,

We have been closely following the debate on the process to consider the reports on peacekeeping. We welcome the adoption of the procedural draft resolution yesterday. Now it is time to move from process to substance. The reports need thorough and detailed analysis and my delegation looks forward to this exercise in the relevant Committees.

I thank you.