Mohtarma Benazir Bhutto (1953 - 2007)

Mohtarma Benazir Bhutto

Mohtarma Benazir Bhutto was born on June 21, 1953 in Karachi. She was the daughter of Mr. Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto, former Prime Minister of Pakistan. After completing her early education in Pakistan she studied at Harvard’s Radcliffe College and Oxford University. The late Mohtarma returned to Pakistan in April 1986 to an overwhelming response from the public.

Mohtarma Benazir Bhutto was elected Chairperson of the Pakistan People's Party (PPP) in 1986. Leading her party into Government in the 1988 general elections she became the Prime Minister of Pakistan at the age of 35. She was not only the youngest chief executive but the first woman Prime Minister in the Muslim World. Mohtarma Benazir Bhutto was elected as Prime Minister of Pakistan once again in 1993. Mohtarma Benazir Bhutto again returned to Pakistan as Chairperson of Pakistan Peoples Party to contest the recent elections.

Tragically Mohtarma Benazir Bhutto was killed on December 27, 2007 in Rawalpindi after an election campaign rally.


The UN Secretary General, Ban Ki-moon, senior UN officials and numerous Heads of Missions to the United Nations personally visited the Mission to sign the Condolence Book. Some of the messages are as follows:

Condolence message of H.E. Mr. Ban Ki-moon, Secretary General United Nations

I convey my deepest condolences to the people and government on the tragic death of Mrs. Benazir Bhutto. In the name of humanity and on behalf of the whole international community, I condemn terrorist attack against political leader and civilians. I sincerely hope that while Pakistan is going through difficult time, all the Pakistanis work together for the national unity, peace and stability. God bless Pakistan.

December 28, 2007.

Condolence message of H.E. Ambassador V. K. Nambiar, Chef de Cabinet of UN Secretary General

My deepest condolences and sincere sympathies on the tragic passing away at the hands of a terrorist attack of a great national leader and daughter of Pakistan.

December 28, 2007

Condolence message of H.E. Ambassador Frances Lisson, Charge d’Affaires of Australia:

On behalf of the Government and people of Australia I extend my deep condolences on the tragic death of former Prime Minister Benazir Bhutto. My deepest sympathies and extended to the family and friends of Mrs. Bhutto.

December 28, 2007.

Condolence message of H.E. Ambassador Ismat Jahan, Permanent Representative of Bangladesh:

We are deeply saddened and shocked by the tragic death of former Prime Minister Benazir Bhutto. Bangladesh has condemned the terrorist attack calling it a cowardly and unpardonable crime. The government and people of Bangladesh join their Pakistani brethren in mourning this tragedy. We also express our deepest condolences and sympathy for the members of the bereaved family of Ms. Bhutto and for the families of all those who were killed in the incident.

December 28, 2007.

Condolence message of H.E. Ambassador Henri-Paul Normandin, Charge d’Affaires of Canada:

On behalf of the Permanent Mission of Canada to the United Nations, I would like to express our sincere condolences to the family of Mrs. Bhutto, the family of the innocent victims of this terrorist act, and to the people of Pakistan.

December 2007

Condolence message of H.E. Ambassador Alfredo Labbe, Charge d’Affaires of Chile:

With deep sorrow I pay heartfelt respects to the great woman, the great leader and the courageous democrat! May God bless her, her family, and may her legacy remain solid, for Pakistan and for the world.

December 2007.

Condolence message of H.e. Ambassador Liu Zhenmin, Charge d’Affaires of China:

Deep condolences over the death of Mrs. Bhutto, former Prime Minister of Pakistan, due to the terrorist attack against her! Best wishes to the family of Mrs. Bhutto and the people of Pakistan!

December 2007.

Condolence message from H.E. Ambassador Rodrigo Malmierca Diaz, Permanent Representative of Cuba:

On behalf of the people and the government of the Republic of Cuba, it is my honour to express our condolences to the government and people of Pakistan for this tragic loss. Please extend to Ms. Bhutto family our sincere sorrow.

January 2008.

Condolence message of Ambassador Dr. Martin Ney, Charge d’Affaires of Germany:

Our sincere condolences to the people of Pakistan for the loss of an extraordinary political leader, slain by the hand of treacherous terrorists.

December 2007.

Condolence message of H.E. Ambassador Nirupam Sen, Permanent Representative of India:

On behalf of the Permanent Mission of India I would like to express our feelings of shock and grief at the terrorist act of assassination that took the life of Benazir Bhutto, remembered in India for a more hopeful phase in our bilateral relationship. We hope that the promise of her political life – an end to terrorism, democratization and regional cooperation – would be fulfilled. I would like to convey our deepest and most heartfelt condolences to the family of the brave “daughter of the East”.

January 3, 2007.

Condolence message of H.E. Ambassador R. M. Marty M. Natalegawa, Permanent Representative of Indonesia:

The Government and People of Indonesia express their profound sympathy and sorrow on the tragic and untimely death of former Prime Minister Benazir Bhutto. Our prayers to the family, people and Government of Pakistan in their moment of grief.

December 28, 2007.

Condolence message of Ambassador Mehdi Danesh-Yazdi, Charge d’Affaires of Iran:

On behalf of the people and the Government of the Islamic Republic of Iran, I wish to convey our deepest condolences to the people and Government of Pakistan on the tragic passing away of the former Prime Minister, Mohtarma Benazir Bhutto. Our hearts were saddened and we share this sense of loss with the bereaved family, people and Government of Pakistan in these days of grief and sorrow.

December 2007

Condolence message of H.E. Ambassador Marcelo Spatafora, Permanent Representative of Italy:

My most sincere condolences to the people and the Government of Pakistan on the brutal assassination of former Prime Minister Ms Benazir Bhutto. This ultimate sacrifice is coherent with her unwavering dedication to dialogue and democracy in order to bring peace and stability in her beloved country. My most profound sympathy at this painful time for the Pakistani people, to whom Italy is linked by ties of strong close friendship.

December 2007

Condolence message of H.E. Ambassador Yukio Takasu, Permanent Representative of Japan:

In the name of people and government of Japan, I would like to express deepest condolences and sympathy with the tragic death of Pakistan’s here leader. It was great shock and sorrow to all of us. Please accept most sincere sympathy and solidarity of Japanese people who are grieved by the souls. We are confident that Pakistani people will overcome this tragedy and will peruse the condition and peace of a great country.

December 2007.

Condolence message of H.E. Ambassador Byrganym Aitimova, Permanent Representative of Kazakhstan:

Kazakhstan condemns in the strongest term the terms the terrorist attack by extremists causing the death of former Prime Minister of Pakistan Benazir Bhutto and numerous other casualties and expresses its deep sympathy and condolences to the victims of this heinous act of terrorism and their families. Benazir Bhutto was really eminent global woman. Personally I missed her.

December 2007

Condolence message of H.E. Ambassador Kanika Phommachanh, Permanent Representative of Lao:

On behalf of the Government and people of the Lao PDR, I would like to express our deep sorrow and profound condolences to the Government and people of Pakistan on the passing away of former Prime Minister of Pakistan Mohtarma Benazir Bhutto.

January 2008.

Condolence message of H.E. Ambassador Hamidon Ali, Permanent Representative of Malaysia:

On behalf of the Government and People of Malaysia, please accept our sincere and heartfelt condolences on the tragic passing of the former Prime Minister of Pakistan. May Allah Almighty bless her soul and may she rests in peace.

December 31, 2007.

Condolence message of H.E. Ambassador Ahmed Khaleel, Permanent Representative of Maldives:

Please accept our deepest sympathy and condolences.

January 2008

Condolence message of H.E. Ambassador Riyade Mansour, Ambassador & Permanent Observer of Palestine:

On behalf of the people and leadership of Palestine, I would like to convey to the people and government of Pakistan our profound condolences on the tragic assassination of the late Prime Minister Ms. Benazir Bhutto. On this sad and painful moment we want to let you know that we are with you in our prayers and always. May her sole rest in Peace in heaven.

December 2007

Condolence message of H.E. Ambassador Andrzej Towpik, Permanent Representative of Poland:

Pakistan has lost one of its greatest leaders with the tragic death of Mme Benazir Bhutto. I extend to the Mission of Pakistan to the UN our deeply felt condolences in this hour of sorrow.

December 2007

Condolence message of H.E. Ambassador Daniele D. Bodini, Permanent Representative of San Marino:

On behalf of the Government and people of the Republic of San Marino I wish to express our deepest condolences for the tragic death of former Prime Minister Benazir Bhutto, to her family and to the Pakistani government and people.

December 2007

Condolence message of Mr. Kevin Cheok, Charge d’Affaires of Singapore:

On behalf of the Government of the Republic of Singapore, please accept my deepest condolences on the tragic assassination of former Prime Minister Ms. Benazir Bhutto. This was a heinous act of terrorism, whose perpetrators must be brought to justice. At this difficult time, our thoughts are with the people of Pakistan, especially the families of Ms. Bhutto and al of the victims.

December 28, 2007

Condolence message of H.E. Ambassador Prasad Kariyawasam, Permanent Representative of Sri Lanka:

An eminent daughter of the East is no more. Sir Lanka condemns her assassination. Such terrorist attacks cannot be tolerated anywhere. People and Government of Sri Lanka stand by the people and government of Pakistan shoulder to shoulder to overcome the effects of this tragedy. Our hearts are with the grieving people of Pakistan.

December 2007

Condolence message of H.E. Ambassador Abdalmahmood Abdalhaleem Mohammad, Permanent Representative of Sudan:

The entire Sudanese nation was shocked profoundly at the coward assassination of late Benazir Bhutto. In this moment of grief we extend our felt condolences to Pakistan, Government and People. May Allah rest her soul in peace.

December 2007.

Condolence message of Mr. Fazli Corman, Charge d’Affaires of Turkey:

The Turkish nation is shocked and devastated by the assassination of the former Prime Minister Benazir Bhutto. She represented modern, enlightened and democratic Pakistan. Her sudden and unexpected passing away has caused a great loss not only for the people of Pakistan, but also for the Turkish nation. She will always be remembered as a champion of democracy and progress. On behalf of my Government and on behalf of the Permanent Mission of Turkey to the UN, I convey our heartfelt condolences. May her soul rest in peace.

December 28, 2007

Condolence message of H.E. Ambassador Zalmay Khalilzad, Permanent Representative of USA

It was an honour to know Ms. Benazir Bhutto. She was a Pakistani patriot who believed in democracy and rule of law. She wanted her country to succeed and change the world. She made the ultimate sacrifice. I pray for Pakistan’s success.

December 28, 2007

Condolence message of H.E. Ambassador Lazarous Kapambwe, Permanent Representative of Zambia:

Very sincere condolences on the death of former Prime Minister Benazir Bhutto.

January 3, 2008