Statement by Mr. Farrukh Iqbal Khan Counsellor at the Ad Hoc Working Group on the Revitalization of the work of the General Assembly (New York, 21 March 2014)

Mr. Co-Chair,

I thank you for convening this meeting.

Pakistan associates with the statement made by Algeria on behalf of NAM.

We will like to make some additional points in our national capacity.

Mr. Co-Chair,

We must expedite progress towards further strengthening the General Assembly’s status of the chief deliberative and policy-making organ of the United Nations. The Charter provides enormous space to the General Assembly. Pakistan remains committed to enabling the UNGA to fully utilize this space.

We would like to reaffirm full confidence in the UN General Assembly as the universal and legitimate body, for offering common solutions to common problems in this interdependent global environment. We note that despite considerable time that has been devoted to this item over the years, the progress has remained limited.

In order to galvanize our work, we would like to offer the following thoughts:

First, enhancing UN resources: In order to address the concerns on the lack of non-implementation of the UN resolution, it will require not only demonstration of the requisite political will by all member states but also availability of adequate resources with the United Nations.

Second, introduce dynamism in agenda setting: The selection of UN agenda in a manner that is relevant to the needs, preferences and priorities of the peoples and countries around the world. It will help implementation of agreements contained in the adopted resolutions.

Third, improving working method: the efforts to improve the working methods and agenda setting should continue. We will, nevertheless, emphasize that any biennialisation or triennialisation of resolutions, are reasonable tools to improve working. This will though require clear and prior consent of the sponsoring State or States.

Fourth, improving the monitoring capacity of UNGA: Pakistan believes this should be one of the major focus areas. In this regard, we will once again reiterate the suggestion that for every resolution the Secretariat may submit, within specific timeframe, a report on the status of implementation. A special unit could be created within the Secretariat or within the Office of the President of the General Assembly for the purpose.

Mr. Co-Chair,

Earlier we had also proposed that the co-Chairs may request a study to assess the impact of efficiency measures on the overall effectiveness of the General Assembly. This should develop our baseline for future discussions.

There also is a need to further enhance coherence and coordination among the principle organs, while building on their complementarities. Adherence to the Charter mandates can help resolve the matter of perceived encroachment of the Security Council on the role and authority of the Assembly.

Also, Pakistan supports the need for discussions on creating an inclusive procedure for the selection of the Secretary General and other Executive Heads of the UN Agencies.

Mr. Co-Chair,

The United Nations’ interaction with other international organization such as Bretton Woods Institutions and intergovernmental groupings like G-20 as well as relevant stakeholders including civil society and private sector will make it more responsive and relevant with respect to global issues. In our view this is an essential ingredients for any exercise aiming at revitalization of the organization.

In conclusion, we will maintain that there is a need to bring more vigor, visibility and attention to the revitalization debate. We propose that the Ad-hoc Working Group, in its work during this Session, may examine the possibility of convening a high level meeting.

I Thank You,