Statement by Mr. Nabeel Munir, Deputy Permanent Representative of Pakistan during Main Part of the 71st UNGA session of the Fifth Committee Agenda Item No. 139: Human Resources Management (New York, 28 October 2016)

Madam Chair,

Pakistan joins others in thanking USG Yukio Takasu and Ms. Elia Yi Amstrong, Director of the Ethics Office for introducing the relevant reports of the Secretary-General.

We also thank Mr. Massieu for introducing the ACABQ reports on Human Resource Management and Mr. Rajab Sukayri, Inspector, Joint Inspection Unit and Mr. Kenneth Herman, Senior Adviser on Information Management and Policy Coordination, for introducing their reports.

Pakistan aligns itself with the statement made by the distinguished representative of Thailand on behalf of the Group of 77 and China.

Madam Chair,

Performance and effectiveness of the United Nations depends on the quality of its workforce. An independent international civil service with the highest standards of performance, integrity and accountability is therefore indispensable to achieving the designated goals.

Despite the importance that we collectively accord to human resource management, its reform remains an unfinished agenda. We are pleased with the broad objectives and direction of the reform efforts. Streamlining of contractual arrangements, harmonization of service conditions and a managed mobility framework represent significant recent advances.

We reiterate our support for the continuity of reform; and value the efforts undertaken by the Secretary General, USG Takasu and his team in the OHRM to carry forward this important task. At the same time, it is necessary to regularly evaluate the impact of reform measures in order to refine and improve them.

Madam Chair,

We have taken note of the Secretary-General's report on progress made in implementation of the Mobility and Career Development Framework. We reaffirm our support for the framework as a means to assist the United Nations in ensuring equitable burden-sharing at hardship duty stations.

Mobility is a major change process for the Secretariat. It seeks to respond to the growing imperatives of a field oriented Organization. While we examine additional details, there is need for more specificity on impact of mobility on the current staff selection system; treatment of external candidates, geographic representation, troop and police contribution, and gender balance.

We are concerned about the low overall success rate of the candidates participating in the Young Professional Programme (YPP). Also, the number of external selections has declined every year since 2011. We look forward to discussing these trends and seeking clarifications from the Secretariat regarding decline in external recruits and benefits and anticipated impact of the YPP on the work of the organization in the in-formals.

Madam Chair,

The principle of equitable geographic representation is a Charter obligation. It is also necessary to ensuring the United Nations staff reflects the diversity and dynamism that the organization itself represents.

On the basis of this principle, the General Assembly adopted resolution 153 (II) in 1948, defining “desirable ranges” for Member states.

Until 1962, only one factor was used to determine the desirable ranges: contribution of the member state to the regular budget. However, in 1962, two more factors were added: membership and population.

A lot has changed since 1962. Yet disparities in representation of Member States in the Secretariat continue to persist despite a clear direction provided by the General Assembly for a comprehensive review of the system of desirable ranges.

There is merit in considering the possibility of establishing an open-ended Working Group of the Fifth Committee to consider the formula for determination of equitable representation of Member States in the Secretariat, on the basis of Article 101 of the Charter, as set out in Assembly resolution 41/206 C of 11 December 1986.

Contributions to peacekeeping could be one determinant that needs to be factored in any revision of the system of desirable ranges.

We take note of the Secretary General’s latest report on desirable ranges. Its recommendations are modest at best. The Report does not adequately respond to the request of the General Assembly for a comprehensive review of the system.

We also regret that 19 Member States are still unrepresented, and 42 underrepresented.

In conclusion, we assure you, Madam Chair, of our continued constructive engagement in consultations on this agenda item.

I thank you.