Statement by Mr. Nabeel Munir, Deputy Permanent Representative of Pakistan on the Organization of work of the Fifth Committee of the General Assembly at the main part of the Seventy-First Session
(29 September 2016)

Madam Chair,

At the outset, let me congratulate you and the other members of the Bureau on your election.

Our special thanks and appreciation to Ambassador Durga Prasad Bhattarai and the Bureau for an effective and excellent work during the 70th Session of the Committee.

Pakistan is particularly pleased to see the distinguished Permanent Representative of St. Vincent and Grenadines chairing this Committee.

You can count on the support and cooperation of my delegation.

I would also like to express our appreciation for the invaluable work done by the ACABQ and the Secretariat in supporting the work of the Fifth Committee.

My delegation aligns itself with the statement made by Thailand, on behalf of Group of 77 and China.

Madam Chair,

We urge the Bureau members to continue working closely with their respective constituencies on the Committee’s organizational matters. It is imperative that decisions on timelines for the conclusion of the informal consultations and deferral of non time-bound agenda items are taken in an open, transparent and inclusive manner. There is established practice and institutional memory to guide the work of the Bureau in this regard. The Chair of the Committee, we feel, has an important role in allocating adequate time to each agenda item, taking into account its significance and complexity.

Madam Chair,

Pakistan considers Supporting the implementation of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and the Addis Ababa Action Agenda of the Third International Conference on Financing for Development as two of the most important items on our agenda this Session. We cannot afford to lose time in initiation of processes that would lead to their early and full implementation, through provision of adequate financial resources.

On Human Resources Management, particular focus on human resources management reform, amendments to the Staff Regulations and Rules, and implementation of the International Civil Service compensation package are vital for the UN system.

Madam Chair,

We would like to express our concern at the chronic issue of late distribution of necessary documentation. We hope this Session would be able to complete its work on time despite this. Late issuance of documents delays the quality of General Assembly’s resolutions, our deliberations, and the overall organization of work of the Committee. Reports and documents should be presented on time for the Committee’s due diligence. This is a systemic, long-standing and complex issue.

It is time for the Committee to take it up including as part of efforts to improve its methods of work. We stand ready to engage and contribute to the discussions and more importantly, to solutions.

Madam Chair,

The heavy agenda that we have to deal with calls for flexibility, compromise and understanding by all. We assure you of our full cooperation and constructive engagement in the work of the Committee, according to its programme of work and within the allocated time.

Thank you, Madam Chair.